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Freeware utilities


Absolute control 2.30
Offers wide range of OS control tools available on single click. It can set your screen resolution with highest possible refresh rate, open\close your CD drives, reboot, shutdown and poweroff your system. AbsoluteControl handles all Microsoft operating systems, runs in background and is 70 kb only including help system.   
AnsiKonv 1.00
If you still have DOS programs and export data to windows programs, you may have problems with the special characters. This is how to solved this problem. Enter the name of the export file and press OK, and the OEM (ASCII) characters are converted to ANSI. VBRUN300.DLL required.   
Batchrun 4.1
It will let you create batch files using a graphical interface. With Batchrun .brs batch files you can launch any number of programs or dialup connections with just a simple click. You can control the starting process with many properties like priority or run mode and control their behavior a tad. You can even do more than starting programs with the built-in file management functions like Copy, Rename, Makedir, Delete and End Process.   
Belarc Advisor 8.1e
builds a detailed profile of your installed software and hardware.   
CHM Encoder 1.5
may decompile your CHM file (Compiled Windows HTML Help) or e-book and extract all source files. This tool free for use and work easily and quickly. The program supports command line. Using batch mode, you can convert several documents simultaneously.   
Clickie 1.1
Utility that will add 2 new features to the context menu (right click) of Windows Explorer: "Copy Path Name" that copies the path of the selected folder or file to the clipboard and "Open MS-DOS Prompt" that opens a DOS window in the selected directory.   
ClickOff 1.82
Tool that automatically clicks button on error messages that come up all the time.  
Shell extension that lets the user add items to the Explorer contextmenu. Using any registry-editor or the supplied GUI, the user can add submenus and items such as shortcuts to programs, documents, folders, webpages and scripts. CMExt also has some predefined commands for copying, moving and retrieving information on files and directories.   
Document management system that combines the features of an internal document management system and an Extranet system, you can use the same tool to handle both activities.   
CopyURL 2.3.1
Shell extension that helps you to copy different information from your Internet Shortcut files (entries in the Favorites folder) to the clipboard. Then you can simply paste it from clipboard to your e-mails, HTML editor or other documents. It adds commands Copy URL, Copy Link and Copy Name to the shell context menu of Internet Shortcut files.   
DVD Identifier 5.2.0
Retrieves and interprets the pre-recorded information that is present on dvd media (dvd+r, dvd+r dl, dvd+rw, dvd+rw dl, dvd-r, dvd-r dl, dvd-rw and dvd-ram) and on blu-ray media (bd-r and bd-re). This information contains a variety of parameters such as disc manufacturing information and supported write speeds.   
Emsa Web Monitor 1.0.21
small Web monitoring program, an utility that runs on your desktop and allows the user to monitor uptime status of several websites. The program works by periodically pinging the remote sites, and showing the ping time as well as a small graph that allows the user to quick view recent monitoring history. The program has two modes, a normal and a mini mode. While in mini mode, it will look like a small bar with leds (green for ok, red for timeout). While in normal mode, it will show full details for all websites being monitored.   
EZMem Optimizer 2.0.26
Simple Free RAM utility. Users that like simplicity, may indeed like this program. Just one click of a button - and in a few seconds your system recovers valuable RAM.   
GNU utilities for Win32
Some ports of common GNU utilities to native Win32. The following program versions are covered: bc, bison, bzip, diffutils, fileutils, findutils, flex, gawk, grep, gsar, gzip, indent, jwhois, less, m, make, patch, recode, rman, sed, shellutils, su, tar, textutils, wget, which.
Small tool that allows replacing the cursor keys by using the joystick.   
Launch It Pro
desktop utility that provides an alternative method of launching applications, easier to use than Windows Start menu, and neater than having large numbers of desktop shortcuts. Shortcuts can be to applications, documents and URLs, and can include parameters, and a description that is displayed when the shortcut is selected. Each shortcut can optionally be associated with a hot key combination.   
LetMeType 1.81
like Microsoft's AutoComplete, it helps you enter text, but regardless of the program you use. Running in the background, it analyses what you type. After some time it has collected enough information to guess a word after you have typed the first two or three letters. A list of the most probable words is displayed, and you can select one with a single keystroke or just continue typing.   
Logon Loader 2.1.0
Makes the task of swaping logon screens easy. Simply select a new logon screen file and you're set. You can even preview your logon screens before selecting the one you want. Logon Loader also has the ability to randomly select a logon screen every time you log on.   
Lomsel Shutdown 1.05
small system utility that can automatically perform various frequently used operations like shutdown or restart your computer, disconnect your current dialup connection, hibernate workstation, etc.   
Command line utility that allows you to run programs quickly and easily by typing the commands.   
Monitor Off 1.00
A simple program that switches the monitor into power saving mode if possible. Creates an icon on the desktop that can be used to immediately switch to power saving mode and includes a feature to enable the program only during certain hours of the day.   
Nifty Worker 1.01
It lets you execute applications using shortcut keys.   
OneButton 1.4.1
Small toolbar (launch pad) with 16 customizable buttons and 12 buttons with fixed functions. When collapsed it only takes up 36 x 36 pixels of your screen.   
Point-N-Click 2.4.28
Stand-alone on-screen virtual mouse designed for anyone with a disability that makes it difficult or impossible to click a physical computer mouse. As long as they can move a mouse, trackball or other pointing device, they can send mouse clicks to virtually any Windows application or DOS application that can run within a window and even many that are full screen.   
PrcView ( - command line version)
Utility that displays detailed information about processes running under Windows. For each process it displays memory, threads and module usage. For each DLL it shows full path and version information. PrcView comes with a command line version that allows you to write scripts to check if a process is running, kill it, etc.   
PromptExplore 1.2
It lets you quickly open an MS-DOS (Windows 9x/Me) or command prompt (Windows NT/2000) from any directory within windows explorer.   
Rendera 1.5
free graphics program suitable for artistic painting, photo-retouching, colorizing, and tile design. It emulates common art tools and features in easy-to-learn, labeled interface.   
ServerDoc 1.0.05b
Restarts most programs when they crash. From ftp and game servers to stockmarket programs. Serverdoc uses very little resources so your server performance is not effected. Remote Access via web interface. 
Shalom Help Maker 0.5.2 beta
Windows help file editor that supports images, popup windows, links to other pages, web pages and E-mail addresses, and has automatic updating of links when pages are rearranged, listing of unused bitmaps and popup pages, listing of links to the present page and more.   
SMP Seesaw
Small utility for dual-CPU workstations that allows the user to finely tune how Windows balances the processing load between the two CPUs.   
SpeedFan 4.37
program that monitors fan speeds and temperatures in computers with a known monitoring chip. Its main feature is that it can control the speed of the fans according to the temperatures inside your pc, thus reducing noise and power consumption.   
SysView 1.0
Shows you some essential system information, such as loaded modules, processes (and associated modules), processor information, memory allocation granularity and etc.   
The Regex Coach 0.9.1
Graphical application for Linux and Windows which can be used to experiment with (Perl-compatible) regular expressions interactively.   
TopOCR 2.5
free OCR system designed for digital cameras that is capable of recognizing 11 languages. Supports multiple text output formats, including searchable PDF and HTML as well as a Text To Speech Interface.   
What! 2.0a
laptop battery monitor that displays the amount of battery life in minutes and as a percentage. Also displayed is the current time and icons of a battery (showing charge level) and a power plug if the battery is being charged.   
Window Detective 1.0
Utility that let's you "spy" on windows. View information such as a window's handle, class name, parent information, etc.   
WinDowse 5.2
Tool for obtaining necessary technical information about any window. Place a mouse cursor on a window, and WinDowse will show all parameters of the window and window class.   
ZIP Pointer 1.0
Lookup USA and Canada towns by ZIP, postal code or name and show them on a North American map.   




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Views: 27760 | Added by: nikhilr | Date: 2010-07-26 | Comments (32)